Salesforce Style Guide

A style guide with guidelines for building a clean Salesforce org that's easy on the eyes and simple to maintain

The guiding principle is “no underscores”, which is a reminder to pay attention to details. Salesforce out-of-the-box will auto-generate API names for many common components such as objects and fields, but sadly those API names use underscores as filler to replace special characters and spaces. The result is that uncoordinated implementations will result in the creation of things in the org like the following.

If you care to avoid such tragedies, talk to your team about adopting a few simple habits.

  1. Agree to use a shared style guide. Feel free to fork this one to start!
  2. Update the guide as you go. Create new styles where none exist for the feature you’re implementing, and update existing styles when the team agrees to change things up for new development.
  3. Use pull requests as a means for discussing, enforcing and converging style across all developers. This will take some time in the beginning but with repetition will soon become second nature.
  4. Sync up regularly to not only talk about cool new features but also about updates to the team’s style guide.

Say no to underscores

Below are step-by-step instructions for getting rid of underscores and making your components look as if they came natively out of the box.

  1. Write the label in plain English
  2. Expand common abbreviations
  3. Drop to lowercase
  4. Strip or delete special characters (e.g., hyphens)
  5. Replace spaces with underscores to create a snake_case name
  6. Convert snake_case to CamelCase
  7. Apply well known conventions (e.g., Is prefix for checkbox fields)

Example: Auto-POST Job Status

Step Result
Write the label in plain English Auto-POST Job Status
Expand common abbreviations Auto-POST Job Status
Drop to lowercase auto-post job status
Strip special characters autopost job status
Replace spaces with underscores autopost_job_status
Convert to CamelCase AutopostJobStatus
Apply well known conventions AutopostJobStatus

Example: PayPal Transaction No.

Step Result
Write the label in plain English PayPal Transaction No.
Expand common abbreviations PayPal Transaction Number
Drop to lowercase paypal transaction number
Strip special characters paypal transaction number
Replace spaces with underscores paypal_transaction_number
Convert to CamelCase PaypalTransactionNumber
Apply well known conventions PaypalTransactionNumber


Below are conventions for different component types, ordered by the current label (e.g., Aura Component vs. Lightning Component) seen in the latest Salesforce release notes and other documentation.

Custom fields

Custom fields should be named following the conventions below.

Lookup fields

Field Label Field Name Child Relationship Name
Campaign CampaignId CampaignMembers
First Disbursement FirstDisbursement__c FirstFundingRequests__r
Last Disbursement LastDisbursement__c LastFundingRequests__r

Master-Detail fields

Follow the same conventions as lookup fields.

URL fields

URL fields should be named with the word “URL” in the label, unless the name is well known (e.g., website) to imply a URL.

Object Label Field Label Field API Name
Account Website Website
Auth Provider Authorize URL AuthorizeUrl
Auth Provider Error URL ErrorUrl

Custom settings

Custom settings come in two types: hierarchy and list.

Hierarchy settings

Hierarchy settings should be named with a descriptor and end with the word “Setting”.

Custom Setting Label API Name
Feature Setting FeatureSetting__c
Integration Setting IntegrationSetting__c

Conceptually this is similar to the “settings” field in scratch org definition files.

Email templates

Email templates should be named to match the subject. This will make it easier to locate specific email templates when troubleshooting.

See examples below.

Subject Email Template Name Template Unique Name
CTA: Rock the Vote! CTA: Rock the Vote! CtaRockTheVote
Big Deal Alert Big Deal Alert BigDealAlert
What’s on your mind? What’s on your mind? WhatsOnYourMind
Account Name Changed to {!Account.Name} Account Name Changed AccountNameChanged


Object-specific flows should be prefixed with the object’s API name. Omit the namespace for objects from a managed package if possible.

Object API Name Flow Label Flow API Name
outfunds__Disbursement__c Disbursement: Submit for Full Approval DisbursementSubmitForFullApproval
Opportunity Opportunity: Submit for Finance Review OpportunitySubmitForFinanceReview

Record-triggered flows should be limited to a maximum of five per object, one in each context.

Flow Label Flow API Name
Account: Before Create AccountBeforeCreate
Account: After Create AccountAfterCreate
Account: Before Update AccountBeforeUpdate
Account: After Update AccountAfterUpdate
Account: Before Delete AccountBeforeDelete
Payment: After Update PaymentAfterUpdate

If you must split record-triggered flows for ease of maintenance, keep the object label and context as a prefix.

Flow Label Flow API Name
Account: After Update Create Follow-up Task AccountAfterUpdateCreateFollowupTask
Account: After Update Alert on Finance Hold AccountAfterUpdateAlertOnFinanceHold
Account: After Update Alert on Poor Health AccountAfterUpdateAlertOnPoorHealth

Create Records elements

Label API Name Description
Create SyncPayment Job createSyncPaymentJob Create an async job with Class Name “SyncPayment”.

Decision elements

A Boolean decision should have a question mark at the end of the label.

Label API Name
Status Change? statusChangeDecision
New Status newStatusDecision

The singular outcome elements for a Boolean decision should have “True” as the label, with the Decision suffix replaced with Outcome in the Outcome API Name.

The default outcome for a Boolean decision should be relabled as “False”.

Label Outcome API Name
True statusChangeOutcome
Ready newStatusReadyOutcome
Not Ready newStatusNotReadyOutcome

Email Alert actions

If you’re lazy, the label can simply be “Email Alert” for most alerts, so as to avoid clutter in the flow.

The API name should be fully qualified with the name of the email template and the suffix “EmailAlert”.

Label API Name
Email Alert ofacSearchResultFoundEmailAlert
Big Deal Alert bigDealEmailAlert
Email Alert rockTheVoteEmailAlert

Permission sets

Keep the scope of each permission set meaningful, and choose one of these two naming conventions.

Action-oriented permission set

This permission set grants a user access to perform a specific action or well known set of actions. Simple examples below.

Label API Name
Convert Leads ConvertLeads
Hide Salesforce Classic HideSalesforceClassic
Manage Closed Opportunities ManageClosedOpportunities

Feature-oriented permission set

This permission set grants a user access to a robust feature for which fine-grained control of specific cations is either unnecessary or infeasible. Simple examples below.

Label API Name
DML History App DmlHistoryApp
Lightning Dialer LightningDialer
Lightning Experience LightningExperience

Validation rules

Validation rules are named as imperative statements.

Rule Name Sample Description
BlockSpam Prevent messages that look like spam from being saved.
RequireAccountOrContact Either an account or a contact must be specified on this payment method.

Workflow rules

Workflow rules should be named as imperative statements.

Rule Name Description
Alert Operator on Account Name Change Send an email to operators when Account Name changes.

Prefer evaluating the rule when a record is “created, and every time it’s edited”.

Email alerts

Email alerts should be named to match the associated email template.

Email Alert Field Email Template Field
Description Subject
Unique Name Template Unique Name

Field updates

Field updates are named like assignment statements in Apex, using the field label in the Name and the field name in the Unique Name. The new value should also be included.

Name Unique Name
Old Account Name = PRIORVALUE OldNamePriorvalue
Success Plan = NULL SuccessPlanNull
Success Plan = Premier SuccessPlanPremier

How to contribute

This repo is configured to publish a GitHub Pages site from the /docs folder on the master branch, using the Leap Day theme. Feel free to create issues or pull requests into master update the guide!